Victory Over Sexist Men

This is for a select group: women business owners. We guys will never experience the “hell” certain women have had to experience. Women who have battled the prejudice and sexism from men who can’t stand working for or with a boss who is a woman.

I write this because a colleague continues to be bullied by a man who should know better.

This causes me to celebrate a man who refused to be sexist. This man was Jesus Christ. Jesus not only lived ‘counter’ toward the cultural anti women mores of his time but he alone established a new view towards how women should be treated. According to Christ, regardless of we are –“treat others as you would like to be treated.” Everyone is worthy of respect and dignity-especially women in the workforce.

How do I know what I am talking about? Because once upon a time I worked with this same man and found him to be impossible to work with. 

So if you are a woman reading this-take heart. You too can overcome a bully of a man.

Women business owners take heart-there are men who know how to be respectful.

Stay tuned-Blessings- John H

Watch Out for “Opportunists”

Within life there are “opportunists“. Whether within family, some group , or politics-some take advantage of a change to possibly stab you in the back. One example is when a parent passes on and suddenly a sibling demands the estate for himself or herself. 

General characteristics of opportunists: 1.An opportunist betrays your trust; 2. They as individuals or a group suddenly reveal a self centeredness instead of what is good for the group they have formerly been part of; 3. They will make a decision(s) unilaterally without any one else’s input that then they attempt to force on others; 4. They will use new information that they think no one else knows for their advantage without letting anyone else know; 5. The opportunist will sabotage any one else preventing them from moving forward; 6. Opportunists are driven by desire for financial gain or gaining power over people.

So enjoy life-chase your dreams-no matter what your age. Just be on guard against opportunists!

As Jesus tells us: “Be as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove.” (Matt 10:16)

Blessings-stay tuned. John H

Are You “Stunted”?

Hello coming winter. Tis the season for certain vegetation to become stunted, like wheat plants. The plants don’t die, yet there is no growth.

Being stunted is also what you and I may experience. No growth, just a feeling of being ho-hum, and the blahs. Being stunted can happen: spiritually, emotionally, socially, and financially. Not good. It can happen to anyone, anytime, regardless of age, education level, or income. What is it that “stunts” us?:

  1. Not reading. Reading is as necessary as breathing. It can uplift, inspire, inform, and help us keep our cognitive skills as we age;
  2. Not mixing with people. Nothing we do humanly is as interesting, frustrating, and motivating as mixing with all kinds of people. During these winter months-mostly being inside and away from people to safeguard from medical bugs will challenge us as to how we mix with others. Yet just going grocery shopping, or go to corporate worship-and you will get some people contact;
  3. Not forgiving people. To not forgive is harmful-it poisons you spiritually. Memorize I John 1:9. After confessing to God-then forgive yourself.

So stay green-keep growing in season and out of season. Stay tuned. Blessings to you-John H

Let Me Introduce You to Yourself

How weird is this question? This is my way of asking you how well you really know yourself? Who are you? No I’m not asking for your name or personal information. Why? Because you are so much more than your name, race, gender, class, marital status, and or any personal information such as educational level, income, or where employed or not employed.

Who are you-who am I? I have found the most satisfying answers here to come from from God . Imagine- there actually was a time when you and I didn’t exist. You are God’s idea. Why do I say this? Because God knew you before you were conceived or born. God tells Jeremiah:“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” Who are you? Doesn’t it make sense to ask your Creator who you are?

Who are you-who am I? We discover through God’s Holy inspired written Word that we are” body, mind, soul, and conscience” (Matt 22:37, Genesis 20:5). Who are you? You are so much more then body, mind and conscience-you are a very special soul.

Don’t underestimate or over estimate who you ARE! God in Jesus Christ has great things for you! Stay tuned-John H


Know the Life SKILL: The Difference Between Being A Critical Thinker and Being a Criticizer

We all need certain life skills. One crucial skill is knowing the difference between being a critical thinker and being a criticizer.

Know how to be a critical thinker. Think for yourself based on your values. One who knows how to think logically, form facts, and decipher truth from falsehoods. Be open minded to whatever evidence comes one’s way-being aware of and avoiding one’s bias and prejudices.

Being a criticizer is the opposite of being a critical thinker. A criticizer doesn’t base his or her decisions on evidence; instead one is guided by their prejudices and bias. This person begins with their conclusion and then goes around cherry picking to find information to back up their preconceived preferences and hoped for outcome. A criticizer is basically negative towards anyone or anything that doesn’t agree with their own selfishness. This person always starts with why something won’t work instead of being positive towards what can happen. This person is always complaining about someone or something!

Seek to be wise and seek God’s wisdom from Scripture!

So on this election day-do you know the difference between being a critical thinker and being a criticizer? Stay tuned. More coming-blessings-from a critical thinker-John Hunsberger

A Must Read for Any Truth Seeker

As a follower of Jesus Christ I recall his words: “…In fact for this reason I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me (John 18:37).” Are you a truth seeker? If so, I highly recommend the recently published book:The American Exception by Aaron Good.

According to the Bible you and I struggle not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephes. 6:12). In this well documented book, Good makes the case as to why certain folks, certain powers in this world, think they are the exception to the rule of law.

If you have ever heard the term “deep state” and have an interest in knowing what this term refers to then this 290 page book is for you.

I resist the thought that there are good people and bad people. We all have sinned against God. This book illustrates how the love of money, and raw power over people can turn anyone to think and act against God and the common needs of people.

Follow Jesus…He will lead you into truth- blessings- stay tuned- Brother in Christ, John Hunsberger


How Many Safe Persons in Your Life?

It’s easy to just wear a mask. No, this is not about wearing a Covid mask.
This mask I refer to here is how we cover up showing our true feelings or thoughts when we engage people, because we aren’t sure how people will receive our honesty. Especially when some of the people have oversight or accountability over us. So what are we to do?

January | 2015 | DCGEducator: Doing The Right ThingFirst-make a decision to be YOU, no matter what. To not be true to yourself by communicating your real thoughts and feelings is absolutely unhealthy. The key is not what you have to say but its about how you say it. Whatever you say to others always needs to be shared with an attitude of respect toward those you are speaking to.

The other answer is to have safe people in your life. Safe people are those you know who absolutely accept you with all of your quirks, faults, and strengths. A safe person is one you know won’t go blab something you say to the public.

Lord's PrayerJesus had a safe person.  It was his Heavenly Father.

Like Jesus be true to your self- and have safe persons in your life! Stay tuned- John H

The Blessings of Knowing WHO you BELIEVE!

Jesus Christ - Founder of Christianity – Genvive

The Greatest shortage today is a shortage of people to believe in! Who do you believe in anymore?

You see, who we believe determines what we believe!

I lift up you choosing to believe in the real life person named Jesus Christ. He was a real historical person, who lived, died, yet he was more than just a ordinary person. What are the blessings you receive in believing in Jesus Christ?:

1.Believing In Him means you realize He is outside of time. He is all knowing, all powerful, and everywhere present at once. He shows us reality. Reality is believing that there is a supernatural power alive in the world beyond what we can physically see or touch called The Kingdom of God;

2. Believing in Him is to be made anew from the inside out. We grow in Him with his living presence in us living values that aren’t temporary but eternal. Values like hope, faith, and love-through what is his Living Presence with Us known as The Holy Spirit;

3. Believing in Him with his living presence alive within you is to realize HE can do more in your life than you can by yourself. Believing in Him is realizing that though our days on this earth are short-He invites you and me to live eternally in an never ending adventure with HIM beyond this human life.

Know who you believe. Know the blessings of knowing God through the living Jesus Christ, who defeated death and the grave. Let’s talk-send me a note!- John H

The Greatest Pain

The biggest pain in your life is what-right now? For myself it’s recovering from recent back surgery. How about you?  Pain in walking has caused me to ask myself all kinds of questions. I’ve asked-“What is the greatest pain, John?

Pain comes in many forms. Physical, mental, emotional, financial, and most importantly-spiritual. Pain knows no boundaries-in that all regardless of age, race, and culture will experience painful hurts. I believe all pain is spiritual-in that pain hurts not just our flesh but also our souls. Pain that touches our souls, minds, and conscience can be the greatest pains we will ever face. Losing a child or loved one, losing a marriage, are examples. But still-ask yourself-what is the greatest pain?

The greatest pain is what God experiences when anyone rejects his love. When you choose to not believe in God revealed in Jesus Christ, it greatly grieves God. God desires the best for all-yet we bring upon selves all kinds of unnecessary pain by rejecting to begin, and grow in a relationship with the God who wants to walk and talk with us each day. Enough for now. Part 3 coming next! Peace to you- John H



What You Run From is What You will Run Into

When we find ourselves in a situation that freaks us out-we may not know what to do!  The biggest temptation is  to run. It’s to deny our confusion and situation. Why run from facing the issue staring us in the face? May be many reasons. Why not face whatever the issue is?

What’s  it we have in common? We tend to worship ourselves. We have a controlling selfishness that prevents us from seeing other points of view?

Creating Inner Peace in the Midst of Movement and Chaos - Virtues For LifeThe answer? It’s stopping and being open to God. We are not God and God is. After hitting our head against the wall time after time and running from what we need to face- we can make a new choice. Surrender to God. Instead of the same o, be open to try God’s way. Trust in what you can’t be but still is very very real. It’s God’s Holy Presence. Running from life means that one day you will run right into what you are running from?  Instead realize God can do more with your life than you can by yourself. Simply say-“O God I seek you! Believe God hears the cry from your heart. To be continued. Stay tuned-Brother John