Monthly Archives: May, 2022

What Sound is Most Attractive?

One of the most taken for granted gifts is the gift of hearing sounds.

What sounds are attractive? A warm sincere “hello” helps. Or how about the beautiful sounds of birds? This afternoon out in the garden, I so enjoyed the sounds of motorcycles-that Harley sound is so unique. Sounds tell us our car is running normal or isn’t working correctly.

Sounds give us hope or indicate terror.

Sounds depend upon our subjective interpretation. One sound may mean different things to different people.

Out of all the sounds that really matter and are universally recognized as important, no sound compares to hearing: ” I love you.” The custom we have in our family is that whenever we part in person with a family member, or end a phone call or text- “we end with sharing the words: “Love you.” Can we ever overdo hearing or sharing the words: “I love you.”?

A very wise follower of Jesus said this about the attractiveness of the word love: “and now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love (I Cor. 13:13).”

Can you hear Jesus saying: “I love you.?” Nothing compares to hearing this sound. Stay tuned!